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Midlands Advanced Manufacturing Survey Launched

Survey highlights critical skills and upskilling needs of Manufacturing Enterprise in the Midlands

The Midlands Regional Skills Forum today launched the Midlands Advanced Manufacturing Survey 2022. The survey gives clear direction in terms of the critical vacancies and upskilling needs of business in the region, while also ensuring employers are fully aware of all available skills development and training solutions offered within the region.

The Midlands Advanced Manufacturing Survey is a joint project undertaken by the Midlands Regional Skills Forum, in partnership with TUS, LOETB, LWETB, Atim Cluster and First Polymer Training Skillnet, which aims to ascertain Midlands Manufacturers’ views in several areas including critical vacancies, skills needs, digital transformation as it pertains to the manufacturing sector, and curriculum development and provision.

Responses to the survey come from Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises across the Midlands including those in polymers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, food, metals and automation.

Some of the key findings included:

  • Critical vacancies were highest for Operatives (experienced and entry level) at 60%, followed by Engineers at 54%, and Welders at 29%.
  • Key skills needs categorised into 3 main areas, including Transferable/Functional Skills, Knowledge-based Skills, and Personal Traits/Attitudes.
  • Transferable/functional skills most in demand were Digital Skills, Trade Skills, General Machine operation and Testing Skills.
  • Personal Traits/Attitude skills most in demand were a good level of English, attention to detail, teamwork and communications, and the ability to work in fast-paced environments.
  • Knowledge-based skills most in demand were Welding, Metal Fabrication, and Material Handling.
  • Training formats preferred by employers was significantly in favour on Blended Formats at 64%, followed by on-site training at 51%.
  • In terms of future skills, the most important future skills for manufacturers are expected to be in Technical/Operational Skills at 68%, Automation and Robotics at 59% and Critical Thinking at 56%.
  • Future Digital Skills was also seen as the area where manufacturers in the region wanted more information, with 81% interested in learning more on how digital could impact their industry.

Launching the results of the survey, Mr John Costello Manger Midlands Regional Skills Forum said: “I am delighted to note the high level of engagement with this survey. First and foremost, what this survey shows is that we have a very high calibre of manufacturing businesses in the region, and their requirements for staff, training and technical capabilities is expanding rapidly.”

“The information received will be invaluable to our training and education providers, working together under the Midlands Regional Skills Forum to deliver on the needs of business in the Midlands.

“Already this information is being used in the development of training and education programmes across the region, while members are also actively engaging with businesses to highlight existing training solutions in the areas identified.”

The Midlands Advanced Manufacturing Survey has been developed as an outcome of the Midlands Regional Enterprise Plan 2024, and aims to guide the Midlands Regional Skill Forum and its regional stakeholders to provide high quality and sustainable education at all levels in the Midlands Region.

Read the full Midlands Advanced Manufacturing Skills Survey 22 here – https://www.midlandsireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MidlandsAdvancedManufacturingSkillsSurvey22.pdf


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